Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday was a pumpkin patch photo day. My mother in law says she needed more photos of her grandbaby and well I did just that......Take a look
BTW the bow and skirt are from this great lady here on fb
 she's awesome and has great prices for hair bows check her out

Just a little "TLC"

So being in the air force we are lucky to have a place called the airmans attic. This place takes donations (just like goodwill) and you are able to get 60 items a year for free!!!! I love it. It's been really helpful when we are strapped on cash and we really need something. I recently found these chairs. They had stains on the cushion and I did not like the color of the wood. So I took a trip to joanns for some fabric and lowes for some gloss spray paint (when painting something white like this make sure you buy at least 2 cans of spray paint, i learned the hard way lol)

Here's my finished product and I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Broccoli Cheese Soup

So this recipe is supposed to like the soup from panera bread (if you haven't had it from there you need to try it. It's ohhhh sooooo good.) Now I did change it a little by not adding some things it in. I didn't add the onions or the carrots in it. I'm not sure if that makes a difference on how it taste but oh well. And also I do recommend using half & half (I've read on this ladies blog that some comments posted they used skim milk and it was too runny) Mine turned out great with the half and half and I also probably used more broccoli then I should have. But oh well i love broccoli. Here's the link on where I got the recipe from.

Now I'll just change it up a little to what i did exactly (BTW it doesn't taste quite as good as panera bread (in my opinion) But it still taste very yummy

What You Need

1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup flour
2 cups half-and-half ( or skim milk)
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 pound fresh broccoli ( florets only)
1/4 teaspoon of salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper
8 ounces grated cheddar cheese
What To Do

In a large stockpot   – melt butter. Add flour and mix for 3 minutes.
Slowly add half- half – mixing the entire time.
Slowly add chicken stock- mixing the entire time.
Let simmer on low for 20 minutes.

Add broccoli and on low for 25 minutes or until broccoli is tender

Season with salt, pepper;
Place soup in a blender or use an immersion blender and puree.
Heat soup over low heat and add cheese and mix till melted.
Serve ( hopefully in a bread bowl) and Enjoy
Mine came out a little green (lol only because i put too much broccoli in it)

Texas Toast Pizza

                                                                                     Texas Toast Pizza

So i found this recipe on pinterest (which i will be doing reviews on how i liked them and or if i think they stink) This one was good. The husband and kid loved it. Super easy to make, really inexpensive too. I found this at  Its garlic flavor, and flaky crust is just super yummy.

  • 8 slices frozen Texas toast garlic bread
  • 1 cup pizza sauce
    • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
    • 24 slices of pepperoni
    1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
    2. Place Texas toast slices in single layer on a non-stick cookie sheet.
    3. Cook for four minutes (2 minutes on each side).
    4. Remove from oven.
    5. Spread sauce over toast.
    6. Add cheese and pepperoni.
    7. Bake pizzas for 4-5 minutes, until cheese is melted

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    I DO

    So i recently did a photo session with a newly married couple. I absolutely love this photo. It's just beautiful. I love photos in black and white. It just looks classy. This photo says "LOVE"  It took some major editing to get it ike this. I have some major fog along with not very good lighting. But with some "TLC" here is the finished product. Enjoy

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    So I've been MIA. Life has been super crazy and busy. We just found out that we are moving to Alaska in April which is way crazy. I've lived in Dallas pretty much my whole life and now we live in Florida. Talk about climate shock. Well I'll be posting some new family owned recipes and some that I have actually done on pinterest and some photography photos that Ive done this summer. AND I've got the military ball coming up this Friday. I'm pretty darn excited. i love my dress and can't wait.

    Thursday, January 5, 2012

    It's Crpckpot Thursday!!!

    Every thursday I make a new recipe and lately it's been in a crockpot and they've all been great.  I found this one off of pinterest and later i'll write a review and let ya'll know how it is.

    Tuesday, January 3, 2012

    Fosted Candle Holders

     Ok here's the frosted candle holder i was talking about in my first post with the lace votive candle holder.

    Bought frosted spray paint at JoAnns fabric for about 5.00 and the candle holder at the dollar tree. It takes a couple of layers of paint and dries really fast. I love it. It's cheap and easy to do.

    Monday, January 2, 2012

    Project 52

    I just started a new project called "project 52" with
    She's an amazing photographer. I love her work but anyways she picks a word for every week throughout the year which is a total of 52 weeks Then you take a photo for that week. This week is "resolution". So this is the photo I decided  to do for it. I want to eat less sweets and loose some weight. It's going to be a tough one but i'm going to kicks it's ass

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    Lace Votive Candle Holders

    Bought everything from Joanns Fabric ( i love that store)
    Votive candle holders 0.99
    Lace was about 0.50

    All I did was sew the lace together around the candle holder. Pretty easy and super cheap.
    I used a smaller lace that wasn't taller than the holder itself. You can use one that has taller edges but i preferred this one. I had a hard time picking one

    I also did another candle holder that I bought from the dollar tree. I bought 2 hurricane candle holders and frosted spray paint from joanns fabric for 5.00. It takes just a few coats but they look great and really inexpensive.

    Just getting started

    So I'm new to this blogingstuff but i'm super excited to do this and hope everyone enjoys it to. I will be posting stuff soon i've go to get all my ducks in a row. I do have some reciepes i've done yesteday that I will be posting and doing a review on as well.

    Oh Happy New Years!!!!!